Placing an order

At K. CH. KYRIAKOU OE you can order in 4 ways:

Through our online store ( The process is simple, fast and available 24 hours a day. This way you automatically secure all the information related to your order. Also minimize the chances of ordering something wrong by having on your screen any information about the type you want.

By e-mail ([email protected]). You can use the product code (if you know it) or match the items you want with the current printed catalogue.

By fax (+30 2103210633). You can also use the product code (if you know it) or to match the items you want with the current printed catalogue.

By phone (+30 2103211041 & 2103210687). Simple way that although does not provide the costumer with a document of the order. It is available in the days and hours of operation of the company’s physical store, ie from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 16.30.